#1 Application Device HW Info System & CPU in this Category.
Check device info of any Android device. You only have to start the app and you will have all the device's hardware and software info at your finger tip.
Complete listings of all Software & Hardware details provided via a quick swipe up navigation.
π£ Device activity shows you details about the following:
- Device Name
- Model
- Manufacturer
- Product
- Brand
- Type
- Device
- Hardware
- Board
- Android ID
- Architecture
- Kernel
π£ OS activity shows you details about the following:
- Version
- Version Name
- API Level
- Build ID
- Fingerprint
- Tags
- Supported ABIS
- Bootloader
- Release date
π£ CPU (processor) activity shows you details about the following:
- Processor
- BogoMIPS
- Features
- CPU Implementer
- CPU Architecture
- CPU Variant
- CPU Part
- CPU Revision
π£ Battery activity shows you details about the following:
- Type (technology)
- Power source
- Temperature
- Voltage
- Scale
- Health
- Presence
π£ Bluetooth activity shows you details about the following:
- State
- Name
- Address
- Scan mode
- Discovery
π£ SIM activity shows you details about the following:
- State
- Service provider
- Mobile country code
- Operator name
- Network Type
- ISO country code
- Cell location
- Phone type
- Roaming
π£ Features activity shows you details about the following:
- WiFi
- WiFi Direct
- Bluetooth
- Bluetooth LE
- Camera flash
- Camera front
- Microphone
- USB Host
- USB Accesory
- Multitouch
- Audio low-latency
- Audio output
- Professional Auto
- Consumer IR
- Gamepad Support
- HiFi SUpport
- Printing
- Fingerprint
- App Widgets
- SIP-based VOIP
π£ Network activity shows you details about the following:
- Status
- Data type
- Network Type
- Local IP
- Public IP
- MAC Address
- SSID (router name)
- BSSID (router MAC)
- Link
π£ Display activity shows you details about the following:
- Resolution
- Physical Size
- Density
- Font Scale
- Width/Height
- Refresh Rate
- Orientation
- Name
π£ Memory details shows you info about the following:
- Internal Storage
- External Storage
π£ Apps activity shows you details about the following:
- User Apps
- System Apps
- Installed Apps
- App Version
π£ Camera activity shows you details about the following:
- Rear camera
- Front camera
- Available modes
- Available effects
- Video stabilization
- Resolutions
- Orientation
- Compensation range
- Compensation step
- Scene mode
π£ Sensors activity shows you details about the following:
- Sensor Name
- Sensor Vendor
- Type
- Power
π£ Permissions (Those permissions are required for the functionality of the app. No data is being gathered or used!):
android.permission.INTERNET - Needed for advertising and Network Info
android.permission.BLUETOOTH - Needed for bluetooth info
android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN - Needed for bluetooth info
android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - Needed for Network Info Activity
android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE - Needed for Network Info Activity
android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE - Needed for Network Info Activity
android.permission.CAMERA - Needed for Camera Activity
android.permission.CALL_PHONE - Needed for SIM Activity
android.permission.READ_PHONE_NUMBERS - Needed for SIM Activity
android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE - Needed for SIM Activity
android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION - Needed for Mobile Cell Location
android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION - Needed for SIM Activity & WiFi Info